Flowering Plant

Flowering plant or Angiospermae is most successful plant. Angiospermae reproduce by seed that grows inside the flower ovary. Angiospermae derived from the Greek word which means seed enclosed.

Growth angiospermae embryo enclosed in a special structure called a seed inside the flower. After the fertilization process, seeds are protected by the fruit flesh. Thus, flowering plants have a greater chance to survive and produce offspring.

Flowering plants are believed to have evolved from ancient conifers (now extinct) who lived about 250juta years ago, namely the Permian period. And in its development, flowering plants affect other living organisms.

There are two groups of flowering plants. Each is distinguished by way of the formation of leaf buds from the seeds of growth. The first group is a monocot, is a single seeds. And the group keua is dicotyledonous, ie plants that have two seed pieces.

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In general, flower consists of four organs: the head (leaf sheath), petala (corolla), stamen or stamens (the anthers and stem juice), and pistils (the stigma, pistil stalk, and ovaries).

In the middle there are flower stamen and pistil. Stamens on the inside leaf crown. Each stamen consists of anthers that produce male sex cells called pollen, and pollen stalk that attaches anthers to the stigma.